'Man of Steel' preview footage so good it brought tears to the eyes of fans
Michael Santo
July 15, 2012

"Man of Steel" footage presented Saturday in Hall H at the Warner Bros. presentation was so good it brought tears to the eyes of at least one fan, according to a report. "Man of Steel" is the second reboot of the Superman franchise; 2006's "Superman Returns" was the first.

Director Zack Snyder and star Henry Cavill were in attendance for the "screening." According to the report, one fan was "reduced to a blubbering mess as he said how much he loved it [the footage]. Another said, “Any doubt I had was gone with that trailer."

The footage showed Clark Kent both as a boy and as an adult, with Cavill wearing the iconic Superman costume. It also gave fans glimpses of co-stars Amy Adams (Lois Lane) and Russell Crowe (Superman's Krytonian father, Jor-El).

Don't expect a reprise of John Williams original score. Snyder said, “We had to act as if no film has been made. When we approached it, we had to say 'this is Superman for the first time,'. And you can’t say, ‘Oh, now let’s steal a little music.’ So yes, it’s awesome music but Hans [Zimmer] is going to do something awesome.”

Considering that Christopher Nolan co-wrote the story with David S. Goyer and is one of the producers of the film, the involvement of his composer of choice, Hans Zimmer, is no surprise.

Snyder said that the new film less makes Superman of a "big blue Boy Scout." It's something that the hero has been derisively called by villains in the comics, too.

"The big challenge, of course, is if you can make people feel, 'What would you do it you were Superman? How would you feel?' How to make it personal, I think that's the thing we went after."

The Superman trailer will be shown before "The Dark Knight Rises" when it premieres this coming Friday, which brought a comparison from Snyder, who when asked who would win between Batman and Superman said, "I love Batman. He is awesome — like, literally awesome — but, really?"


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