Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I get that Batman needs to have "another" voice to distinguish Bruce Wayne & Batman. It makes sense for the character. I guess I just find the voice more annoying than anything. It seems Bale could do better. confused

oh I definately agree. Personally I think Bale's "Bruce Wayne" (basically his Patrick Bateman from AMERICAN PSYCHO carried ver) doesn't get enough respect critically. It's so purposely vapid, telegenic-appropriate and such false sincereity. Reportedly that side of his performance was inspired when he saw Tom Cruise on Letterman.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I am not following, but is this Batman going to have another "Joker" as a villain? If so, who? I can't imagine anyone topping Ledger in the role.


The villain in TDKR will be Bane, who apparently from what I understand isn't the anarchy of Joker (and enjoying it) and more an ideological terorrist.

Catwoman's also in TDKR.