Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Its strange, depending on where you live often dictates what people aspire to look like and what women find attractive. Living in England I found that generally, due to the climate very few people worked out seriously, there were exceptions, like Rugby players, but generally few in England have muscle. In fact there are a whole lot of shapeless people over there! So being slim, and lean is often a desired build, like a David Beckham body for example.
Coming to Perth Australia though I found everything completely different. There is year round sunshine and beaches, also Aussies are so into fitness and outdoor activity. Also here the sports are Australian Rules Football and Rugby where the build is muscular and large. So everyone I know of my age hits the gym in a big way, because you need the muscles here for the girls! In England I was about 170 pounds, now I'm about 210 and big into weights and the gym. When I go to England I feel big and athletic, but here I am just the norm.

This is very true, although people in the UK are getting better and more consistent with the gym ive found over the last 5 years anyway.

I blame the drinking culture here, thats all we ever do lol.

Used to be big into weights and strength training myself before i got ill, hopefully one day i can train again.

Underworld UK

"The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled, Was Convincing The World He Didn't Exist"