What do you guys think of Kansas City's reaction to Cano? Personally, I felt it was a little classless but that's just my opinion. I know Kansas City hasn't been relevant since 1985 and they need SOMETHING to cheer about, but what breaks it for me is everyone congratulating the crowd on the Internet today for backing up "their boy" Billy Butler, who isn't a great homerun hitter to begin with.

The same thing happened in Arizona last year with Fielder for not including Upton.

According to ESPN , MLB is proposing a change to where the hometown will have 1 participant in the homerun derby which I am completely against.

Nowadays, it seems they hand out All-Star selections like candy. I'm completely against the requirement that every team must be represented. And this just goes even further. It deludes the All-Star selection IMO. Guys should have to earn a spot, not be given it because some quota that Bud Selig dictates must be met!