Bad day, Part? lol Well don't hold it against her.

My aunt is ALWAYS like that, by the way. Not just when she's in a bad mood or PMSing. Like everytime I'm at their house, she's yelling about something, and it turns into something else, and then she changes the subject and starts venting about everything. She'll be pissed at ONE person, but at the end of her whole tirade, she'll end up having yelled at every single one of her kids who happened to be in the room at the time. lol

"Nothing gets done around here if I don't do it!! Bruno, would it KILL you to fold that newspaper after you're done with it? I swear to God, Anthony, do you HAVE to use a new glass every time you're gonna drink water? GOD FORBID you use the same one twice... and who's gonna wash all of them? I am, of course, because if I don't do something, it'll never get done. You guys are so lazy, whaddya think, I'm the maid around here? Have you made your bed, Bruno? I didn't think so-- you live like a pig!! There's no space to walk in your room. Don't laugh, Michael, your room is worse, young man! What are you doing down here anyway, don't you have homework to do? I don't want to see your face again until you've finished your homework. Stop rolling your eyes at me, Frankie, I'm sick of that attitude."

lol It's exhausting.