Well I NEVER stay up here in college this last. I have a class at 10 am and bolt back home after that and I'm usually back by noon. Well, since I have a lot of senior activities today (such as getting my class ring among other things), I'm up here all day. Which I'm happy about b/c I get to post and I just watched Jersey Girl. I've got this thing at midnight and then I'm driving home. So depending on how long this thing lasts, I might not be home until 2 in the morning. It doesn't really matter to me because I'm a night person anyway. But I'll probably hit the sack as soon as I get back. Tomorrow I just plan on going to church and hopefully chill out with a friend of mine and watch the Clerks Animated Series. I've never seen it before and since this has pretty much been my "Kevin Smith week" I'd like to see it. Sunday I just plan on watching An Evening With Kevin Smith and drive back to school.