Originally Posted By: J Geoff

It's starting...


Well, it wasn't a goodnight..or morning. See that really dark red section? It clobbered us. Worst storm I've ever experienced...worse than wimpy Hurricane Irene last year. It hit around 2 am. Non-stop lightening, a couple of near direct hits. Wind and rain pounded the windows. I've been without power since. I'm writing this from work. No damage to my house, but there are thousands of trees down...on houses, cars, driveways, roads. Poles snapped and dangling from the wires. The storm is called a "derecho". It moves fast - 50-60 mph, and has high winds and lightening. Atlantic County got pounded. Wind gusts were 50-80 mph. As of yesterday 120,000 people without power. They are looking at July 4th to have the majority back. 400 utility crews from north Jersey are helping out. Mother Nature was a bitch.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12