I feel like I haven't really posted in awhile, so here is an update on me:
-I turned 21 on April 1. We had a party at the house...I would tell you all about it, but at some point, I started taking shots, and it was all over for me! I don't remember most of the night, but I'm pretty sure I had fun lol
-I got a pet hampster this weekend! Her name is Gracie, and she is the greatet hampster ever grin
-School is kicking my ass..finals are coming fast and I am beginning to freak out about it. To make things worse, my computer has been screwed up since the beginning of the semester, and now, my roommate has somehow managed to screw hers up as well, so my computer access is limited.
-I am moving on May 15, to another house near my school. I will be living with 6 other people, mostly girls in my sorority. I am really nervous, I am not sure how we are all going to get along.

So that's what's been going on smile
