Originally Posted By: LuanKuci
Yeah I enjoyed the power instability in NYC, I think that it was realistic and shown to many people how most mob wars happen within families.

That's why I lost interest in the final arch. It was too unrealistic, even for the show's universe. For 7 season we were reminded (most of the times by Tony himself) how the Lupertazzis were larger ("they have like 100 soldiers over there...") and more powerful. Yet, these Jersey Boys were able to engage in a war with them.

I mean: the entire DiMeo family fit a normal-sized safe house...with Buddha Greco counting for 2 of course.

When Buddha Greco kept popping up, I was thinking, who the hell is that guy?

By that point they were just pulling new characters out of their ass instead of bringing back guys like Larry Barese or putting more development in to Agent Harris. One problem with the Sopranos is often times they refused to work with the established characters. Hell, why not bring Beansie in from Florida? Maybe it's just me. Walden was a good last minute addition but I would have liked to see more character development for guys like Patsy that we were already familiar with. In the last episode Tony mentions Patsy but he's not even on screen, while 5 minutes of screentime is given to Bobby's second in command, who we've never even heard of. Last season had so many flaws. Even in the NY side, we needed more time with Butchie and Albie to feel invested when they make the series pivotal scene happen.

Last edited by BarrettM; 06/30/12 03:30 PM.