Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

See, I have to agree with DPG. There's something about Chicago and the relevant dearth of info. It's also interesting how Chicago guys in particular often make the claim that their hometown's mob is so much different then the rest of the country's like it's the one city that bucks the general trend. That if the Feds have it wrong just once, they've got it wrong about Chicago.

As far as the Italianization of the Outfit's one-time multicultural make up, the last non-Italian 'member' of note to my knowledge was Frank 'The German' Schwiehs. Apart from him, it seems like nearly every other major non-Italian associate was eventually flipped or murdered (William Dauber, Daniel Seifert, Emil Vaci) I may be wrong on this, but Id agree with wiseguy when he points out that the Outfit became more Italo-centric in modern times.

Tracking all indictments since 2000, as I like to do, there's enough info to keep tabs on the Outfit. But if there does seem to be a dearth of info to some, I would attribute it to the same reason for a dearth of info on any family - there's not as much going on as some would like to believe.

People seem to think the Outfit is such a big mystery. Or, as Mickey just talked about, that they're the one exception when it comes to law enforcement scrutiny. (not saying he personally believes that). Never mind the fact we've heard the same thing about Detroit. It's always the excuse people use to explain away the lack of info.

As for Schwiehs, he was a long time, well respected associate. An enforcer and one of the most notorious killers still around. But it's not like he had any position in the hierarchy of the family. He wasn't in the administration, a crew boss, etc.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.