Yeah, it's an interesting topic. Most interesting to me, is that they went from not having an actual ceremony to having the traditional NY ceremony to...who knows what they do now if anything.

I believe that's why alot of old guys argued that they they weren't made and said they never had there finger pricked or had a card burned in there hands. I believe they were made, in the Chicago way, not the the way the FBI was trying to say.

IIRC, Aiuppa started it but I thought Carlisi had some sort of push for it because I believe he originally was from NY. People said Giancana thought it was a joke.

Yeah, being made is being made, but it means different things in different cities.

There was always a big argument on another board about whether Marco D'Amico was made. People said he was the #2 right now or at least in charge of all the gambling in Chicago or the #2 on the NorthSide, basically No Nose's street guy. People would argue that if he had/has all that power, he would have to be made. Others would say being made doesn't matter, he has all the respect. So who knows.

IMO, being made in Chicago is always going to be weird because you have gone from no ceremony to a ceremony to...who knows. Old guys who had no ceremony probably don't care if people don't think there made, they probably like it. Add to the fact that you had non-italians who had prominent roles, and that makes it even stranger.

If I had to guess, the outfit has probably stopped having the ceremony now because of Nick Calabrese's testimony. Would make sense. There is no need to have made guys any more. Just attracts attention. Why not have zero made guys. Kill the outfit. You're not competing against anyone. Being made has never been the end all anyways, so get rid of it.

Again, this is just my rambling opinion.