between the gambino in ct and the genovese popping tires and throwing rocks i think it will be a big change in ct when tony gets and takes over, it just goes to show you how secretive the west side is after there springfield crew was destoyed by in fighting and rats, another crew just pops up in ct. all the ct guys reported to springfield, if the 2 turncoats didnt give any dirt they didnt know. i think the 20 guys busted for gambling came from felix trangese or the other rat.theres just too many rackets in ct for the families not to be fighting, and megale had his flag there awhile, but all familes should give up on shaking down stripclubs. i never heard of philly getting caught doing it. its rampit in new england.

Last edited by pmac; 06/25/12 04:02 PM.