patriarca had a couple guys come and go theres nick bianco who some how was sent to help in the colombo/gallo war and was a capo according to scarpa was 1 of colombos favorites but right before colombo got hit he was back to rhode island i think he was tipped off. then the guy henry tameleo who was in the bonanno family moved to the boston era and was consig. jr russo was with paul vario in the 60tys probaly just asscoiate. i read the sam the plumber book if that guy corcky was made in 1 family but transferd to sams family and alot of the family didnt trust him for a while, then i read d.b. bernado was with sam's family and released to the gambinos probaly cause he made so much money in manhattan. its something big paul probaly wanted the guy d.b. was the biggest porno guy in america in the late 70tys. connected in new england, florida, and cali.