Originally Posted By: olivant
Interesting. A mayor signing into law a modification of state statute. I don't think so. Then again, Gotham is a fictional city in what, I presume, is a fictional state in a fictional nation.

Considering this is Gotham City we're talking about, a town so bad that it makes Detroit look like fMayberry, I wonder if the state government gave them local home rule to the extreme when it came to punishing criminals. I mean after the events of THE DARK KNIGHT when a public official was martyred by being murdered by the vigilante "The Batman," (nevermind Joker raising hell in the city) maybe the subsequent uproar is why this Mayor has extraordinary powers.

What? It's about as logical as a billionaire dressed up as a flying rodent and beating up crooks and rapists at night.

(Funny but in the comics, they never could decide where Gotham City was. Is it in New England as NYC? Is it in the midwest like Chicago? I remember one issue, it was placed between Boston and NYC. Metropolis has a similar problem. Official current continuity, Metropolis is in Kansas as basically Kansas City on steroids but previously it's also been a stand-in for NYC. Try to enforce comic book continuity, and your brain will explode like SCANNERS.)