Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Originally posted by Patrick:
Tomorrow, I am going shopping for some clothing with one of my girl friends.
Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it.

Unless you're camp or gay and actually like shopping - don't ever go shopping with a woman.

Don't do it.

Just. Don't. [/b]
Going shopping with a women is one of the most regretful things i have ever done, they spent about 2 hours in h&m alone

i wanted to die on the floor right there and then it was horrible

Who's keyzer soze?

How are thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles you eunich jelly thou.