I love going shopping, but I hate going with my boyfriend. I'd rather get a root canal without anesthesia. rolleyes

I NEVER take him shopping with me for when I'm getting stuff for myself... But even when we go to get clothes for him, he's SO annoying. We'll have like 15 things that looked great on him, and he's always like, "I don't know if I should get that..." until he narrows it down to one thing that he wants to get, and then he goes, "Eh, forget it" and leaves that, too. It drives me crazy... like why did we even come here!? Or he'll think about one particular thing forever... I'll be like, "It was nice, come on, just get it before you change your mind again!" And whenever I get impatient like that, he tells me, "See? That's why you spend so much money. You buy everything you like, without patiently and rationally thinking about it." rolleyes

I do think about it... I just think fast. lol

If he couldn't afford it, I'd understand, but the most irritating part is, this is coming from the guy who will spend thousands of dollars on electronics, his car payment, watches, bets in Vegas, but he has to stop and think for half an hour about ONE shirt at Zegna.

It's really fun to go with him when he's going to buy electronics, but clothes? I'd rather die a long and painful death.

My cousin Bruno is the opposite... he's SO much fun to go shopping with. He buys pretty much everything that looks good on him, and if he's not sure, he asks me what I think... if I like it too, he buys it, no fuss. He's more fun to shop with than my girlfriends. lol He doesn't even mind going with me when I'm getting my own stuff (something I wouldn't even DREAM of asking my boyfriend). And he's not even gay, would you believe it? lol He's very macho, actually... it's just with me that his feminine side comes out.