Originally posted by Irishman12:
Gonna try to get the masters after graduation this May, so I'm hoping I'll be done totally in December of 2006. What field of law are you going into?
I'm thinking either corporate law, immigration law, or international law. I'm not sure yet, though. One of my dad's best friends is a bigshot entertainment lawyer who keeps trying to convince me to go into that. He said the biggest hurdle in entertainment law is having connections... and since I've got him, I wouldn't have to worry about that.

But I don't think I would really LOVE entertainment law like I would love the other ones that I'm thinking about. I get enough of the superficial and flashy world of Hollywood just living here... I don't need to be thrust deeper into that whole abyss by joining the business. So for now, I'm thinking about the three I mentioned above, leaning the most towards corporate... I'm still not sure yet, though.

You're gonna get your MBA, right? What are you going to do with it?