Originally Posted By: DeMeo
Originally Posted By: The_Premier
Pfft. Selfish lowlifes cutting self interested deals to screw other lowlifes. I don't see a difference between putting a bullet in someone to stay out of jail or cutting a deal.

None of these people have honour. The 'rats' are just the most open about it.

If the mafia had this honour you so want them to have, then they'd be stronger and harder to beat.

By ratting out each other, they are doing the United States a favour.

Just be glad there are rats, like Valachi, you Americans knew sweet f all before he exposed the mob.

Believe me when I say we're on the same page. That I find these people interesting doesn't mean that I like them or what they do. I'm glad they don't have honour and that they turn on each other as quick as they turn on us - quicker sometimes. My post was in response to a 'rats are bad' post. I don't see them as any better or any worse than any of the other predators out there that live that life. It's just more of the same self interest in play.

I'm not American BTW.