Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
While getting dressed to take my husband to the hospital for his knee surgery, I broke a nail. Now, this isn't just a little chip or break, it's way down to the quick. However, seeing that my husband was having surgery, I felt way too guilty to bitch about it. Therefore, here in the anonymity of the internet, I will admit to being upset about my broken nail, even while I was waiting for the surgeon to tell me how my husband did. By the way, the surgery went very well.
Aww, that sucks! I hate when stuff like that happens, but it happens in the midst of something more important. I slammed the car door on my hand at my grandmother's funeral, and I just kept quiet about it all day... so I know what that's like. Well, lucky for this anonymity, you can bitch all you want. wink I hope it grows back quickly! Filing it back into shape when it breaks that deep takes forever, too... I hate that. Anyway, I'm glad your husband's surgery went well, too.