Originally Posted By: southphilly old head
Here we go again! Blah Blah Blah another gambling bust. Who are the feds kidding with this nonsense! What are they trying to prove! Now if they can stop all the drugs that come Into this country then that would impress me! Nothing and i mean nothing hurts our society more than drugs! We have the greatest military in the world with infra red lasers and night vision and we can go to pakistan and go into bin ladens reisidents but we cant stop drugs from coming in! Go figure!! This is such BS

I agree with you that drugs are a huge problem and scourge to our society. Gambling, especially OC controlled gambling, is also a problem. A lot of these mob controlled internet sites don't pay winners. The Lucchese off shore web sites that Perna ran were notorious for not paying off big winners. The gambling cases are often the best way to get guys to flip and build RICO cases.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.