I was wanted to share that my roomates and I seem to be getting along better (HOO RAY!). Thanks God for spring break. But get this, I go to a Baptist University and I find out tonight that I've got a Managerial Economics test next Monday (meaning I've gotta study this weekend). I can't believe it, a Christian school makes us study during the holy weekend. Can you beat it? Not to mention I'm Catholic. I've gotta go to Mass Thursday at 7:30, Stations of the Cross on Friday at 3:00, Veneration of the Cross at 7:30 that night, and the Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30 on Saturday. Not to mention I was wanting to possibly watch 21 Grams and The Passion of the Christ this weekend, and finish reading The Return of the King. Now how am I supposed to do all of this!? mad