I enjoy flawed sequels that are still pretty good, even when they aren't as great as the originals or the first sequel...Godfather III, Terminator 3 and Salvation, Prometheus...

I always enjoy an opportunity to delve back into a familiar world and revisit characters that I enjoy watching. GF3 is no different. The first time I watched the trilogy, I cried my eyes out after III ended. It probably had the biggest impact on me and made me go back to watch the first 2 movies again since III was the one that brought it home for me.

If I am a father and GF 1 and 2 are my perfect, straight-A kids, GF3 is my reject kid, close to failing out of school, and it gets more of my attention and affection, that it probably deserves.

Last edited by DeathByClotheshanger; 06/12/12 12:16 PM.