Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Larry Ricci ended up in a trunk because he wouldn't take a plea deal....

Still another factor was the family's quickness to take plea deals, which dramatically cuts the amount of prison time a guy does; giving him less reason to flip.

This can NOT be understated. In other families, especially the Gambinos under Gotti, people were killed because they took plea deals. Ricci was killed because he wouldn't take one.

The Genoveses (and the Luccheses, under Crea, who has made an art of the plea deal) were wily enough to realize that long prison stretches for the top guys add up to less money. They take the five and ten year deals because they realize it's better to be out in ten and making money than to be in for twenty to life. It has served them well.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.