Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
Gina- isnt it funny how many Seinfeld momnets you actually have in the course of a day?
Absolutely! Honestly, I think today I made about three references besides this post. I was talking to my friend when I thought of two, and she was just laughing at me for remembering these random things, and then I was thinking to myself how I'm like Elaine with one of her quirks I've seen in several episodes...how she looks at people she wants to yell something at, but she just thinks it in her head. In the episode where she was on the subway, and the one on the plane, she did this. She just stares at them and makes facial expressions, but you can only hear her thinking insults... lol Honestly, Seinfeld comes up in just about every conversation, situation, etc. It's amazing. wink