Man my roomates are REALLY starting to get on my last motherf*cking nerves! And it's not just 1 of them now, it's both of them. I bring back my DVDs to school for the week and when I head back home on Friday's, I bring them with me naturally because I'm done watching them and I like the have all of my DVDs together in order so I can keep track of them (hey, I have over 300). Anyways, 1 of my roomates (we'll call him R) wanted me to bring The Godfather Parts I & II. So I complied with no problem and he knew I'd be taking them back with me on Friday. Well on Monday and Tuesday he watched Part I and yesterday and some of today Part II. I assumed he had finished watching Part II, but according to him he hasn't. In any case, before I knew that R hadn't finished watching Part II, roomate #2 (we'll call him J), asked me to leave Part II in the apartment for the weekend, to which I said no. He kept asking me to which I kept saying no. Finally he almost yells at me saying "Man, nobody's gonna break into the apartment and steal your movie." I said that's right because I'm brining it back home with me (he's a freshman and doesn't understand that arguing with me about MY OWN DVDs does not help his case at all!). Anyways, I finally got tired of his b*tching and told him "I'm sorry J, I didn't know I needed your permission to bring my DVDs back home with me." That shut him up pretty quick. He's (J's) been watching Part II for the last 3 and R's I guess sh*t outta luck. R wants me to bring back The Godfather Part III & Fahrenheit 9/11 which I will, including what I'm going to bring back (The Shield Season 3). I was going to bring back Braveheart for J, but since he's being a littly b*tch about it, I'm not going to now. All I keep telling myself is that I only have 7 more weeks of school!