Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Originally Posted By: JCrusher
As somebody else mentioned the Decalvacantes was a weak mafia family. now the Sopranos made them out to be as strong as New York which is ridiculos but they were basically the minor league mafia in a sense

They were pretty weak nationally under Sammy DeCavalcante's reign, but I think they were fairly respected when Vinny Palermo was running things. Of course, when he flipped the domino effect did some irreversible damage. That's the way I see it.

They were still much weaker than other other new york family. I mean gotti ordered them to do stuff and they did it which shows that they were basically a glorified crew

I'm not sure if it's fair to say they were subservient. I'm not sure its been fully pieced together. In whichever case, Gotti basically destroyed the DeCavalcante family by ordering the Fred Weiss hit. Some friend.

Last edited by BarrettM; 06/04/12 07:33 PM.