Liborio Bellmo and his relatives are Italian born, right?

Zips, in my eyes were strictly criminals brought over to be "zipped" in and out of the country for stuff that when it happened, could absolutely not afforded to be attributed to anyone else, i.e. murders. True zips, like the guys Carmine Galante brought over we're here to make money and go back to Sicily and then only kicked it up to one guy, the guy who brought them over. Most zips didn't care about staying here or learning practicable English.

Furio in The Sopranos, in theory was not a zip. He had intentions in staying here. The two guys who killed Rusty Milio and the two guys Tony used to attempt, and fail to kill Phil Leotardo were zips. Stayed here for a job then left.

I'd assume the Bonannos and the Gambinos are the only true Zip families left. The others have Italian born members, however those members plan on staying here.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer