I've been wandering around Italy for two years now. I can honestly say that I've never felt threatened or uneasy anywhere. I spent a week in Rome and wandered some lonely streets late at night, away from centro, and never had any concerns. I've never been to Milan or Naples(wanted to Furio but no time left now as I return to the states the end of next month)but was warned many times not to go to Palermo, especially by myself,walked through many rough areas there but never felt the slightest unease. Probably the closest thing to unease was in Corleone as we got alot of stares but I think that was due more to the fact that we were obvious tourists and Corleone is'nt the easiest place to get to. IMO Italy is quite safe and better than most areas in the states.

The Brindisi bombing was awful but I think it was highly irresponsible for the local government,almost immedietly, to start blaming the SCU. I hope they get the guy and give him a slow painful death.

Last edited by ledblimp; 05/21/12 09:08 AM.