now that you felt the need to be a dick, you got me thinking: I had that line tattooed in my mind like it's a classic The Wire line, but Omar doesn't swear, doesn't he? is the line right? is this why you got all turned up behind your keyboard?

I was trying to get your game going with an easy/obvious line, like if the Godafther game got stuck and I posted "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse" or the Taxi Driver game got stuck and I posted "are you talking to me?"...

now how do you manage to turn The Wire dialoque game into this? did you expect it to go on without profanity?

and where's your badge saying "Internet Douchebag Curse Word Inspector"? maybe you wanna add a filter to the boards so we can't really say what we want.

anyway don't worry about me, I'll leave the game to you and the real fans of The Wire. maybe you can edit the first post and elucidate them on which lines can be used in the game.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk