A crazy act, fierce, obscure matrix for now, even if the track privileged, is the mafia. Two bombs have exploded this morning in Brindisi in front of a professional institute in district Sant'Angelo named Francesca Morvillo and Giovanni Falcone, not far by the tribunal, causing the death of a sixteen year old student, Melissa Bassi, a native of Mesagne, in Brindisi. Very Serious a girl her own age in the operating room, for the serious injuries to the head, legs and chest-abdominal site. Seven other students were injured in the explosion and are now in the hospital 'Perrino' of the Apulian city. Two other students would be the in critical condition, having suffered serious leg injuries, and burns on most of the body.
According to the preliminary reports, The explosion happened at 7:50 of this morning, as students were entering the institution. The bomb, according to the leaked from intelligence sources, was placed on the wall of the school (and not in a rubbish bin for waste separation as originally hypothesized) partially occulted by a billboard and would consist of three gas cylinders connected by three different primer
For the time has not come any claim of this infamous act, but it is noted that the attack was made ​​on days on which marks the twentieth anniversary, the attack of Capaci, the judge Falcone. In addition, today is provided in the passage of the brindisino, Caravan antimafia. The data in the possession of the investigators would lean towards the runway when mafia on other hypotheses being studied by investigators. In Mesa, the country of birth of the student who lost his life, the night of May 4 and 5 had been damaged by a bomb the car of the president of the anti-racket of the city in the province of Brindisi. 9, the police operation had been performed, again in Mesa, which has dismantled an organization linked to the Sacra Corona Unita mafia. The operation, called 'Die Hard', led to the arrest of 16 people for Mafia association, extortion and drugs. On 8 May a group of politicians from Puglia, led by Alfredo Mantovano (PDL), was received at the Viminale, by the Minister of the Interior, Anna Maria Cancellieri, which had reported the crime alert in Brindisi. The request of the meeting was a follow precisely the bomb detonated in the car of the president of the anti-racketeering Mesagne (Brindisi) and a series of other criminal incidents related to the Sacra Corona Unita. According to prosecutor Marco DiNapoli "would be the first time the Sacra Corona Unita strikes in this way."

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 05/19/12 12:36 PM.