Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

If people oppose gay marriage for truly religious reasons, that's one thing.

Hey remember when slavery was defended for "truly" religious reasons? I'm pretty sure some bullshit was dug up from the good book to excuse banning interracial marriage until what, the 1960s? (Which took a SCOTUS decision.)

There's shocking enough people out there who for "truly" religious reasons defend setting people on fire for reading a book or having a vagina and have a job. Or necrophilia.

It's shocking how much we as an American culture have devolved from the Founding Fathers regarding our handling of religion and everything else. They were very devout men more or less, but they didn't let that hangup get in the way of seeking earthly, human dimensions to expand mankind's knowledge and capabilities as was expected with the Age of Enlightenment. Case in point, "truly religious" people for centuries believed in the divine rule of kings.

Americans said fuck that shit. Oh the Bible doesn't have republic governmental models? That might be too much an intellectual obstacle for the religious right-wing today, but not for the Founding Fathers. They used what amounted to the Scientific Method, trial and error, in trying to set up a revolutionary new republic benefitted in knowledge from past mistakes made by doomed republics.

I'm pretty certain, as pure subjecture, that if Jefferson was around today he would be immensely offended by certain people using religion as an excuse to retard the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the worlds the Creator made for us. I also like to believe he would accept the Theory of Evolution (SCANDALZ!!!!) and reconcile it with his spirituality with ease.

I mean this was the genius who actually edited his own version of the Bible minus the "divine miracles" which he found uncompatable with his sensibilities.

Total atheist socialist communist terrorist.