Originally Posted By: Strax
@Carmela: Though Cosa Nostra in Sicily is really powerful,they control everything down there, + a lot of international contacts etc. So why they need re-grouping? With Stidda yes,they can make more money etc but u do think something like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Old_Bridge

This is happening again.

They need regrouping because nearly every boss has been jailed for life. And when I say boss over there, it's like 40-50 year old men. Not old guys like here. So, it's up to really younger guys, in teens, 20's, and 30's to take over, and since the anti-mafia movement Forza Italia went into effect, guys are arrested in huge sweeps. It's not as easy as it was, that's all. The whole organization has taken major blows.

Sure, an operation such as Old Bridge is definitely possible. A couple operations similar to this one have been shot down in the last couple years, though. But there are many guys over here in the US working for mafia back home. Getting in and out of the US for them isn't as easy as it once was though, especially for non US citizens.

Last edited by carmela; 05/11/12 07:19 PM.

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