Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: goombah
The other part of the Bundy story I have [spoiler][/spoiler]always found fascinating was the work of the investigators. Bob Keppel, Mike Fischer, and Jerry Thompson hunted Bundy.

Didn't many of the same investigators work on the Green River case? Ann Rule wrote books about both killers. However, the thing that got to her about Bundy is that she never suspected him. When Bundy took the two girls in one day from Lake Sammammish (sp?), someone overheard telling one of his victims that his name was "Ted" and another witness saw him getting into a light-colored VW Beetle with one of them.

Although Ted Bundy drove a tan Beetle, nobody who knew him suspected him, not even Ann. People even teased him about being "Ted". Ann Rule was not only a crime writer, she was a former cop. Even after his arrest, she had doubts about Ted's guilt.

100% correct, SB. Robert Keppel hunted the Green River Killer for years. In fact, Bundy even helped offer his insights in trying to catch the killer. This was much like Hannibal Lecter years before "Silence of the Lambs" was written.

One of several others beside Ann Rule to note the similarities b/w the police composite and Ted Bundy was his then girlfriend and Carole Ann Boone. The latter became his wife after Bundy was thrice sentenced to death.