The Mastonardo brothers have been around for years.I remember when John was just starting out he had a high=rise apt. in center city that he dealt out of.He was a pretty good wide-receiver for Villanova back in the late 70's.His older brother ''Joe Vito''was more of the boss between the two.They had been busted numerous times over the years and recentley about 4-5 yrs. a go they dug up Joe's yard in one of the fancy Philly Suburbs.He had money buried in bank tubes.Another time they forfeited like 2.2 million dollars in exchange for a ''slap on the wrist''They were loaded.John lives in Blue Bell and basically golfs all day,always new vehicles.I know Joe has some major health issues now.They were never leg breakers but they got sloppy a while a go and some guys that collected for them got rough with some customers which led to their latest bust.I always wondered how they managed to stay clear of the mob especially after Rizzo died.I was looking for that picture on I did not see it.Where was it.I know John is tall about 6-5 and Joe Vito is definetley ageing with like a gray goatee.These guys made money without doing major time and have seemed to survive the ''mob wars.''