Originally posted by Irishman12:
I enjoyed Saw & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I own Texas Chainsaw and I'm going to purchase Saw probably when it comes out. I've never heard of White NoiseI don't believe, and The Grudge SUCKED BALLS! Man what a terrible movie! It was so boring and annoying by the end of it!
I hated Saw. It was probably my worst movie all year. The plot was excellent, but the acting was just horrible. Scary movies aren't supposed to make me laugh.

Texas Chainsaw was decent.. definately not my favorite.. but ehh.. it just didn't scare me. I like scary movies that actually scare me.. I dunno. I guess I'm just a hard person to scare.

I agree, The Grudge was horrible.

Hide and Seek was alright. There's a huge twist at the end, which was pretty predictable.. but that's all I'll say about that.

The acting in it was very good, I think. It had Bobby DeNiro in it and that Dakota Fanning.. (i think her last name is fanning anyway) I like her.. she was excellent in it. Bobby did a very good job too.. of course, it was no Godfather performance, but it was still good.

It wasn't very scary though. At least, I didn't get scared. Ehh.. I think I'm goin to see Boogeyman sometime. It actually looks scary, so yay for that.

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