Re: the missing Giuseppe Renda; decimation of the Montagna faction?

There is a photo that accompanies the French-language article for which I've provided a Google translation below. The article accompanies the French-language video. (I haven't watched the video because I can't at the moment.) This is another article that stresses Giuseppe Renda is not related to Paolo Renda.

Link to original article:

Link to photo:

Google translation:

Disappearance of an alleged mafioso
Montagna clan decimated?

Published May 8th, 2012 at 09:39
Updated: May 8, 2012 at 10:46

Murders, attacks, disappearances. Relatives of Salvatore Montagna, aspiring godfather of Mafia Sicilian Montreal assassinated in November, would they be victims of a "clean" rule led by a rival clan?

The question arises, but the police did not publicly devises theory for now. The Police Service of the City of Montreal (SPVM) also treats the case of Giuseppe Renda, 53, who has not been seen since he left his home in Westmount Friday, as a loss and not a removal.

No news of her husband, who had to attend an appointment, his wife alerted police to 1:15 p.m., Friday.

The vehicle that would be an intimate Montagna was found several hours later St. Urbain Street in Little Italy. Since then, nothing that would work for Renda in the renovation.

About money or debt

"We always speak of a disappearance, despite the facts that are advanced. Here we go with what we can prove, not what you might think. According to preliminary expert opinions on the vehicle, there is no evidence that there is something criminal at the moment. We try to find him. The investigation has not been transferred to the major crimes," said Lt. Ian Lafrenière SPVM.

A native of the United States, Renda, who has no family relationship with Paolo Renda, consigliere of the Rizzuto clan kidnapped in May 2010, "would not have much in terms of criminal history," according to Ian Lafrenière.

The disappearance of the [Quadragenarian] could be related to a debt or a matter of money, according to what reported Le Journal de Montréal on Monday.

Lopresti and Pietrantonio targeted

In fall 2011, two other Montrealers related to mafia as well as Salvatore Montagna are targeted. First in October, Lorenzo Lopresti is gunned down in Saint-Laurent.

The 40 year old father was a close Rizzuto. And since Operation Coliseum, it is identified as the right arm of Antonio Pietrantonio.

A few weeks later in December, Pietrantonio, 48, alias Tony Suzuki, is shot through near a restaurant in the Rue Jarry Est. One of the main allies of the clan Rizzuto survives her attack.

Meanwhile on November 24, Salvatore Montagna, 39, fell under the bullets of a sniper in the island Vaudry in Lanaudière. He was tipped as a successor of Nicolo Rizzuto, 86, killed at his home in November 2010.

Raynald Desjardins, important figure in organized crime in Montreal itself a victim of attempted murder in Laval in September 2011, was charged with premeditated murder accomplices of Montagna at the end of 2011.