Originally Posted By: XDCX
Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo just may be the sickest serial killer I've ever read about. I wrote a paper on him in my Homicide Investigation class and actually had nightmares. It wasn't an easy paper to write, let me tell ya.

Chikatilo was another fascinating case study, especially considering how Soviet bureaucracy hindered his apprehension. Anatoly Onoprienko another one, also Alexander Pichuskin - the former USSR has spawned a plethora of serial murderers despite official doctrine holding that such things cpould only happen in the capitalistic, decadent West. A similar example can be made in the rise of Chinese serial killers (such as Gong Runbo, Huang Yong and Yang Xinhai) For decades, cases were unheard of - not because they didn't occur, but because state policy was to cover up.

Some of the most fascinating studies, in my own opinion;

Of course, that "Unholy Trinity", Bundy, Gacy and Dahmer, Dahmer especially for me. As SB pointed, as with Bundy, nothing in his past pointed towards his path; he was not abused as a child, suffered no head damage/brain injuries and was brought up in a stable environment. His delusions and the sheer severity of his crimes always stand out for me.

Otis Toole, accomplice of Henry Lee Lucas, and believed by John Walsh, host of America's Most Wanted, to be the killer of his son Adam. Depraved and damaged as they come, and fucntionally retarded. Died in prison of liver failure due to severe chirrhosis.

The actually undidentified killer known as The Monster of Florence; several theories have been put forward, several figures named and several arrests made, but as yet no true conclusion. Much evidence points towards an insular Sardinian family, but as yet no solid evidence has obtained a conviction for all the crimes.

Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, the only Kazakhstani serial killer Ive read about. In 1980 he was convicted of seven murders, despite being suspected in more than 50. What makes him stand out for me was his habit of cannibalising his female victims with a set of unusual metal dentures; also the fact that he was released around 2001 and is said to be living freely in Eastern Europe.

One closer to home for me, The Rockhampton Rapist Leonard Fraser. Had delusions of joining a biker gang but was little more than a sadistic rapist, practioner of beastiality and killer. During his trial, one of his alleged victims was discovered to have been living secretly with her partner unbeknownst to her own family for nearly a decade. He was convicted of four murders and was actually held in a prison not 10 minutes from where I lived for a time. He died in 2007 in the hospital my grandfather recieves radiation therapy.

Ah I could go one forever, there's so many fascinating instances of these sick fucks.
