Originally Posted By: olivant
An unmitigated disaster. It's crap. The NFL should pursue other means of increasing its revenue. Can you imagine all of those trips back and forth across the Atlantic: 8 hours each way? The exhaustion players would experience which, in turn, would increase the prospects for injury as well as diminsh performance (including the effects upon a team's next game). How about the airbound danger (also, terrorism is much more likely in Europe)? And the playoffs? Fuggetaboutit!

We're forgetting something. It's dangerous to gauge commercial interest when its just one game a season played over there. Now if they had 8 games yearly, would the people be there or more likely they'll settle down (i.e. not enthusiastic sell-outs), especially if said club sucks.

There was a time when I thought Toronto was more likely than London, but the last few years the Bills have "hosted" games in Toronto and turnout has been shit.

Of course its the Bills, I can't blame Canadians.