I'm just reading Jerry Capeci's Idiot's Guide To The Mafia and in Part 3, page 204 he refers to a map which was printed by LIFE magazine way back in September 1967.

The map showing the United States included pictures of 24 La Cosa Nostra Bosses surrounding it, with cartoon dipictions of the various rackets. Also a dotted line to show routes of skimmed cash from Las Vegas to hidden partners around the USA. The top of the map showed the 8 bosses who sat on the Commission at the time.

Does anyone have a link of perhaps a copy of this map they could share? I've had a quick browse on google but had limited time whilst at work.

This map was part of a 3 part series about the Mafia which the magazine published, again would there be anywhere to see these?

I'd imagine I'm not the first to bring this up on the boards so apologies if this is going over old ground or I've seemingly missed or can't find something that is glaringly obvious....


When they send for you, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it's your best friend that does it.