Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
what areas are still bad areas in nyc? i would say the south bronx, brownville and bed-sty brooklyn, parts of harlem and jamiaca queens but i dont live there so this is just what rap music tells me smile

Dont forget East NY - which is widely known as the last major crime bastion in NYC. Guys get shot in FRONT of police stations in broad daylight there, not to mention cops get shot and killed every few months there. Before business school, I worked at an organization that did some community development in East NY. That area isnt a joke to say the least.

I grew up in the south bronx (my parents still live there, dont want to leave the spanish neighborhood), even though currently it is slowly gentrifying especially the area around the stadium cause people who cant afford to buy apts in Manhattan are scooping them up in the south bronx, it is not very safe at night and gang violence is still a common occurrence.

Bed stuy is not even that bad (compared to how it used to be, but i dont recommended hanging out at night), now you see tons hipsters walking/moving into that neighborhood especially during the day and on the subway. Many people are buying up all the brownstones in the area and fixing them up for a nice profit.

side note: one day I was walking past this african american barbershop in East NY, and in the window there was a mannequin with a shit that had a large picture of John Gotti on the front with the headline "no one on the corner had swagger like me". I thought that was an interesting sight.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 05/02/12 06:52 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.