Originally Posted By: dontommasino
It looks like Dellacroce had power over three crews in the Gambino Family while being the underboss.

This was posted earlier in the thread, and while I'd like to see a source for this information it means that Dellacroce would've been outnumbered. His crews might've been the more "blue collar" type, but we've already established that Big Paul had several crews who were capable of doing the "dirty work." I don't know what reputation Roy DiMeo had in 1976 though, which is the tim period were considering in a hypothetical Gambino Civil War.

I don´t think winning a war is dependent on the numbers. It´s about toughness, persistence, cunning, non swaying loyalty and quality of the individual soldiers and followers.

And yes, Dellacroce did run three crews within the Gambino Family.

"The government proposes to offer tapes of four conversations intercepted at Dellacroce's house in June 1985, after the filing of the indictment. According to the government all four conversations concern chiefly Dellacroce's expulsion of Michael Caiazza (not named as a defendant) from the Gambino Family. Caiazza had been named by Dellacroce some years earlier as the capo of a crew other than the two referred to in the indictment.

The chief participants in the first conversation, held on June 3, 1985, are Dellacroce, Ruggiero, and Caiazza. The transcript shows that Caiazza before going into the hospital for treatment had named as acting captain Joseph (Buddy) LaForte, Jr. (whose father, apparently not on good terms with his son, is also present at the conversation). Before doing this Caiazza had not checked with Dellacroce but had consulted directly with Paul Castellano."

Furthermore... "Paul Castellano is the "boss" of the Gambino Family and Aniello Dellacroce the "underboss" who supervised certain of the Gambino Family's "crews," each headed by a "capo" or "captain." The alleged "enterprise" is said to be a "segment" of the Gambino Family and to consist of Dellacroce as supervisor and two crews, one run by Charles Fatico and later defendant John Gotti, assisted by his "lieutenant" Angelo Ruggiero (not named as a defendant), the other run by defendants Leonard DiMaria and Nicholas Corozzo."

///Note that the text says "two crews" which i find hard to comprehend since the crews were headed by three captains; John Gotti, Mike Caiazza and Nick Corozzo/Lenny DiMaria.

Read more: http://www.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.19861002_0000140.eny.htm/qx

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