Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Wishful thinking? I couldn't care less if there are viable families in these places or not, just pointing out that the formula you use is flawed and and lack of indictments or articles is not necessarily indicative of the family being non-viable. For the formula to work you would have to prove that every branch of the FBI in every city has the same priorities and allocate the same % of resources to mafia investigation, which you can't.

You would maybe have a point if I was just going on the last few years. Or the last 5. Hell, even the last 10. But you can even go back into the 1990's with these families we're talking about. The last major cases involving the Kansas City mob was in the 1980's. By the 1990's it was just residual stuff. The last major case involving Buffalo was when Laborers Local 210 was put under federal oversight in 1996. Since then, residual stuff. I'd be willing to bet we won't see another case in Detroit like the big one in 1996. Going by your logic, I suppose I shouldn't write off the Milwaukee family yet, huh? Even though they haven't been heard from in over 25 years. Bottom line, whether people want to acknowledge it or not, lack of evidence is evidence. Especially when you're looking over a long period of time.

You put so much weight in your formula you believe it to be more accurate than the hypothesis of a guy on the other board who spent hundred of hours researching the Detroit family including interviewing member of LE and former members of OC and concluded they were still very active.

One of the authors of the Sixth Family, Lee Lamothe, used to post on the RD now and again. One time he made what I thought was a rather telling statement. He said, "No one wants to write a book called The Story of the Maybe the Third Most Powerful Crime Figure in a Small Neighbourhood in Brookyn for Six Months in 1995." In hindsight, we can see why they sort of blew the Rizzutos out of proportion in that book. In my opinion, mcscott hasn't been very different in regards to Detroit, all the valuable information he does provide notwithstanding. It's what many authors do. Or many directors in movies.

And you can keep going on and on about "my" forumla. But it's not "my" formula, nor is it a case of me vs. mcscott. I take everything he says and add it to everything else when I weigh it all in the balance. But what he says isn't the end all for me. I also take note of what other OC experts, journalists, and, yes, the indictments (or lack thereof) say as well.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.