Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Mussolini14

If I'm a mobster striving to be the best in my field the perception you espouse is music to my ears.
A guy as savvy as Tocco loves your opinion on this matter.

I've heard that argument too. "Oh, they're just laying low." Heck, if that's the case, the Dallas and Denver families really must be plugging along. Haven't heard anything from them in decades.

You are using you're same flawed logic again IVY , in that if one family is just laying low then they all must be, as if it is not possible for several families to being laying low and other to be defunct. Not surprising though as you seem to believe all FBI agencies have the same agenda, priorities and allocated resources the same.

You assuming mob families and are carbon copies of one another is flawed. You assuming FBI agencies are all carbon copies of one another is flawed. Unless you can show some date that FBI agencies across the USA allocate the same percentage of $ to combat the mafia vs Street gangs, counter terrorism, ect than the formula you ascribe to has no merit.

Last edited by Mussolini14; 05/01/12 08:34 AM.