Originally Posted By: Mussolini14

So who are you? The great defender of grown men I have a different opinion than? Thanks for your input.

Furthermore I don't discount what the US government but I am not about to take everything they say as gospel like ivy does. I have nothing against him personally but it gets rather annoying when every time someone mention a family he deems as "nonviable" he chimes in with something to the effect of "blah blah, the fbi hasn't released a chart on them in 10 years, blah blah there have been no recent indictments, therefor they are not viable".

Then he posts a list of recent mafia drug indictments on which Kansas City and Buffalo are listed multiple times so I called him out. Get over it. His response was something to the effect of "those were just individual members or associates" as if in other mob busts the accused is named "The Gambino Family" and not just an individual lol. Get over it already mr great defender of grown men I offend.

There was a time when I'd be inclined to argue with you beyond this point. However, I've learned through long experience that there's no use trying to use facts with people who don't care about them. There's no use trying to reason with people who are going more on wishful thinking than objective observation. If you want to believe there are still viable families in Buffalo, Kansas City, etc., be my guest. But going by your criteria does bring up questions...

Does the late Jimmy Caci doing time back in 2001 for selling counterfeit travelers checks mean there's still a viable family in Los Angeles?

Does Billy D'Elia getting busted on assorted charges back in 2003 show the Bufalino family is still around? Of course, he later agreed to testify against DeNaples. But I think Charlie "Lips" is still alive, although he's doing life in prison.

Does Russell Massetta's company being raided back in 2008 demonstrate a viable family in Cleveland?

When John "Duffy" Conley was busted for back in 2006 for running multi-million dollar bookmaking and video poker operations in Pittsburgh, should that be a sign that there's still a hierarchy there?

Does the fact that John Mamone and several other people were busted in 2004 for running a multi-million dollar marijuana ring prove the Tampa family is still alive and well?

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.