Why did Vito choose Tom to replace Genco as Consigliere? I mean he did do a good job, but he wasn't Italian. Not only that, but was he qualified, in Mafia terms? What had Tom done to earn the title of Consigliere--to be the Don's number two or number three man? Why didn't Vito appoint Tessio--who seemed to be very smart and savvy and was one of Vito's oldest associates--Consigliere?

Would seem to me to have been the smarter, and more respected move--Would please Tessio, and also be a respected move. Tom could've been an Unofficial Consigliere, the way Hesh Rabkin was to Tony Soprano--an Advisor who just doesn't have the title. Surely Vito could've just appointed someone else as Capo of Tessio's regime?