Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Originally Posted By: m2w
its a question of numbers the states are too wide and the mafia today has little men to run that country as a whole most of places know the mafia only through movies except new york and a few others
for example a crime family with 50 made members in a little city would be feared by every criminal elements, but in big city of 3 millions of people the percetpion of local people and other would be far less
canada is far smaller and there are several mafia members thats coz is different there
in italy the mafia is feared by everyone, all outside crimnals and all citizens since its everywhere even outside its strongholds in the south and its run everythings included all the prisons across the country

I have to respectfully disagree. I live in the greater Toronto Area with a population of 6+ million. While not the size of NYC it is not exactly small so I do not think population is the only factor.

I also have to add that the supposed "lack of fear' people and other criminals have of the mafia is overblown. Human Nature does not change in 20-30 years. I think people in general trust the government more and the government has programs like witness protection which was not around years ago which makes people feel more comfortable approaching police if they are ever in a situation involving the mafia. 9 out of 10 people would be terrified if they were approached by a made guy, and even street gang member would have a raised heart rate and be a little more cautious if they found out there last robbery victim was the son of a high ranking mobster. Like I said human nature doesn't change in 30 years.

The lcn could still dish out some punishment if they need to but i doubt they would want to get into any real long drawn out conflict or war with a large street gang like the bloods or latin kings because they really wouldnt come out of it as a victorious force whether they win or lose. With the street gangs their always at war with someone or another anyway so it wont make much of a difference to them anyway. Also their feuds never go away they just cool down and then escalate again. Theirs also the fact that mob guys have alot more to protect than just drug turf. They got asociates and criminals that work under their protection(not all of them are soldiers or combatants), they have businesses illegal or otherwise they have to operate. And also their families, i doubt they like the idea of some 16 year old homeboy spoting them at a mcdonalds when they are with their grandkids.Then you got members and associates that are in federal lockup and prison who are going to have problems aswell. Although this will be bad for the street gangs aswell its gonna be just as bad if not more the wiseguys.