Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
1 genovese
2 gambino
3 lucchese
4 bonnano
5 columbo
6 chicago
7 patriarca
8 philly
9 decalvacante
10 detroit
11 buffalo
12 kansas city
13 everybody else

what does everybody think? the top six are pretty clear, but 7-9 are very close imo. yeah i know the bottom rung arent viable families(10-12) but i added them just to give perspective.
looking back at these rankings, i was wondering where everyone thinks the rizzutos fall in? if i had to guess i would say they would fit somewhere between 7-9, although its hard to say for sure. considering that its hard to get a real estimate on thier #'s(around 30-40 made members), as well as all the trouble up there, its tricky to place them. i will say this though, that for thier size, they sure pull in the cash thanks to the large scale drug operations. we should be able to get a better idea after vito is released. even if he is deported things will probably be more stable as he seems to be the wild card as he seems to still have many men loyal to him. if hes gone for good then we can really see where the cards fall.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 04/29/12 10:55 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!