Originally Posted By: Louielips
Anyone know why he wasn't welcome back of if he didn't want to go back? Seems to me he is more stand up than most people. Didn't he do like 20 yrs? Saw him recently and he is one tough sob.

If you were a guy of the Scarfo era why would you want back in the fold? The times since their days has changed now and the money guys like him made back there isn't there anymore.

Forget the whole extra pressure from the feds now and the new era where anyone could wind up being a rat, the main thing that really killed off most of that money is modern technology.

Gambling is still there but not like the way it used to be. Internet gambling has taken a huge chunk out of the mobs business, my sons and all their friends all bet online now. Card games in the back of bars and social clubs are non existent now since there are poker rooms north, east, south and west of the city now with all the casinos that opened up.

Hijacking is now dead, not easy to hijack a truck now since they all are equipped with GPS', not worth the risk.

Break ins and robberies are more difficult now that it seems there are cameras on every corner.

Extortion has been phased out in a big way. Back in the Scarfo era they could extort every bar or mom and pop store in the city if they wanted to. Every mom and pop store is pretty much gone in the city, its all major corporation chains as we seen in that one Sopranos episode. You cant extort a Wallgreens, CVS, Home Depot, TGI Fridays, McFaddens, or better yet try extorting protection money from the new Xfinity live complex owned by Comcast.

The money just isn't there anymore.