Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Congratulations on the job, Dapper Don! It's well-deserved, I'm sure.

I've been looking for a job for some time now. It's fairly discouraging out there, but what can you do? I have seen more activity of late on the job boards like Monster and Career Builder, but you summed it up perfectly. There's such an enormous pool of applicants that sometimes landing a job is like catching lightning in a bottle - timing and chance.

Thank you. smile

I wish you the best of luck. It is crazy out there and I feel that many employers just make you jump through all these hoops and just interview candidate after candidate, cause in reality they can, since there are sooo many people that are applying they can just pick and choose who they want and just wait endlessly for the "right" person to come along. I dont blame them cause if I was in their shoes I would do the same, its just very frustrating and I sympathize with many of the long-term unemployed because it can be a very demoralizing experience to go through.

It also doesnt help that NYC is one of those places that everybody and their grandma wants to work/live in.

I spent soo much time schmoozing with alumni, at cocktail receptions networking with people that I was tired of it. Thats something I never thought I would say, because who really gets tired of free top shelf booze on the university's dime? lol

I start in late July so I am thinking of heading off to the Dominican Republic after graduation to visit some family and lay in the beach and catch a tan(which I desperately need) or heading down to Costa Rica which I hear is extremely nice. I havent taken a real vacation in about 6/7 years because of schooling and working in the summers.

Now the next battle for me is to look for a decently affordable (I refuse to pay $2k for a closet) studio/one bedroom place in Manhattan/Brooklyn that is within walking distance of union square or less than a 30 minute commute on the subway. Much to my parents chagrin I am going to have to leave the old Bronx neighborhood.

If anybody sees any decent studio/apt postings in the vicinity of Manhattan/Brooklyn for a swinging bachelor cool please PM it my way

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 04/11/12 11:18 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.