
Long and short of it - Matt promised not to smoke in front of me. And the other night, he did. He also told me to "bitch at him for smoking when we're together, because then he won't do it." Anyway, yeah he whipped out a cigarette in front of me, it made me cry, he didn't care. Therefore, I dumped him.

Here's what was said.. (I was talking to my friend Kyle, who is Matt's best friend.. they were talking on the phone)

***: he said he feels the same you guys are just way to different
XsilverX XcoldX: tell him i cant deal with the smoking/drinking/drugs thing
XsilverX XcoldX: yeah i know
***: he said "im not going to quit all that stuff"
XsilverX XcoldX: yeah, i didnt think he would
XsilverX XcoldX: like, at ponderosa.. i moved the ashtray away from him.. cuz he told me to be like that..... and he got mad
XsilverX XcoldX: thats when i knew he wouldnt stop
***: yeah
***: he said it was crossing the line when you took the ashtray
XsilverX XcoldX: ;alskdjf
XsilverX XcoldX: how
***: just the fact that you didnt trust him enough to be around an ashtray
***: he told me to tell you that the only reason he smoked that cig the other night was cause you were stressing him out
XsilverX XcoldX: yeah well tell him that the only reason i was crying was because of that cig
XsilverX XcoldX: and congratulate him
***: he said if all it takes to make you cry is a cig he feels sorry for you
***: and why are you congradulating
XsilverX XcoldX: it wasn't just the cig
XsilverX XcoldX: it was the fact that he promised not to do it in front of me, and he did it
XsilverX XcoldX: he broke a promise
***: and he told me to tell you he didnt enjoy hearing about you sexploits with exboyfriends
XsilverX XcoldX: what sexploits?
XsilverX XcoldX: wtf
XsilverX XcoldX: im a virgin dickhead
***: when you were talking about jamie at ponderosa i guess
XsilverX XcoldX: i dont remember talking about jamie......... i might have said that he practically tried to rape me
XsilverX XcoldX: which is, um, the truth
***: he said whatever he doesnt want to fight with you
XsilverX XcoldX: too late
XsilverX XcoldX: i cant believe hes being like this. i wanted this to end friendly
***: he said hes sorry it ended this way your one of the nicest people he has ever met
XsilverX XcoldX: well then why is he saying things like that
***: i got off of the phone with him
***: but i have to go...... dont be sad everything will work out for you i promise
XsilverX XcoldX: oh im not sad
XsilverX XcoldX: im pissed
***: talk to you later
XsilverX XcoldX: bye
He sucks. But I was talking to my bestest best friend, Anthony Lombardi, and we just sat there and made fun of him. And the guy I'm hanging out with now said "he just went down in the record books as the biggest fool that has ever graced gods green earth to to treat you bad and not want to be with you".. that's why he's awesome.

Sorry I took up so much space.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club